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Griskprof List

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What would be your ideal time horizon for investments? < 1 yr 1 1 to 3 yr 2 3 to 5 yr 3 > 5 yr 4 Time horizon Update |
What is your age group ? 20 to 35 4 35 to 50 3 50 to 60 2 > 60 1 Age Group Update |
What percentage of monthly income can you save? <5% 1 , 5 to 10% 2 10% to 20% 3 > 20% 4 Source of Income, Portfolio Size Update |
In which of the following options have you made highest investment till date? Liquid funds, fd, ppf 1 Debt mutual funds, bonds 2 Shares, Equity Mutual Funds 3 Alternate Assets 4 Past Experience Update |
If your investment make 10% losses next year will you? Sell your investments and put proceeds in FD 1 Sell some investments and continue to hold the rest 2 Do nothing 3 Take advantage of the correction and Invest some more money 4 Investor Comfort Level Update |

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GotoLong Community Edition Version 2024 Release September (Alpha 1).